Integration – Anthology (Campus Labs Engage)

Anthology (Campus Labs Engage)

Below, please complete the steps and include the technical information necessary to set up the Anthology (Campus Labs Engage) integration with uConnect.
Gathering API Keys
First, send an email to Anthology support asking for the API keys. To obtain API access, Anthology requires your main contact on campus to send an email request ( with the following information:

1) Your Institution name and Anthology URL
2) Contact’s name and their Title or Position
3) Contact’s email address and a direct office telephone number
4) IP address of the server from which you will communicate with our API (we ask that this is not IP restricted)
5) A brief description of the types of data you intend to access through the API, in this case, i) Events, ii) Attendees, iii) Organizations, iv) Experiences, v) Memberships
6) Encryption Algorithm to be used for authentication: SHA-256

Once sent, please confirm below.
Keys + URL
Once this has been completed, share with us the following information:
Public Key
Private Key
Anthology URL


Your contact information in case we have follow up questions.